Since our establishment, the company has been growing at a fast pace. Today within “A.M.S. GROUP” there are several companies and the number of employees has grown proportionaly from 3 to more than 140. Number of production facilities has also grown from 1 to 4 (Darda, Donji Miholjac, Ljubešćica and Virovitica) since our establishmentand we now have more than 300 business partners worldwide.
Donji Miholjac
Today A.M.S.-BIOMASA Ltd. is one of the biggest wood industries in Croatia and biggest woodchip supplier in the Region. Our core business is production of premium dired firewood, wood chips and sawmill products. We are proud to say that we are one of feu companies in Croatia that are using big amount of renevable energy sources in our production process and that we will increase it even more in upcoming years.
Because we care about the environment and are a renewable energy-oriented company, we are proud holders of our FSC COC certificate and work with suppliers whose raw material comes from responsibly managed forests. We are also proud that the high quality of our products has been recognised and confirmed with ENAMA A1+ certificatesfor dried firewood
A.M.S.-BIOMASA Ltd. was established in 2007 with the primary goal of trading wood products on the Croatian and European market because we saw great potential (quality and quantity wise) in Croatia due to the fast-growing market and high demand for biomass, primarily wood chips, as a renewable energy source in the EU. Since our establishment we have invested our time, efforts and finances into production machinery and wood processing plants with only one goal – to become the biggest biomass supplier in the region.
We achieved our goal in 2011 when we were awarded the Golden Key Award for the best export company within the small enterprise category in Croatia, and since then we have been the biggest supplier in the region. In parallel with wood chip production, we also started producing and selling fresh firewood in bulk and pallets (crates) as a renewable energy source. Also, with our partners, we started producing and selling sawmill fresh and kiln dried, unedged, half edged and edged products, such as boards and planks.
In 2012 we finnished our first investment in new production facility located in Virovitica and it’s owners founded A.M.S.-FOTOVOLTAIKA 1 Ltd. which represents an SPV with 120 kW Solar Power Plant instaled on the roof of new facility built in Virovitica.
In 2015, we separated our renewable energy production (firewood and wood chips) from sawmill production and founded a new company, AMS-PRODUCT Ltd.,which now focuses solely on selling sawmill products in the international market.
In 2017 AMS-PRODUCT Ltd., became the biggest shareholder in the sawmill company HOTO LIGNUM Ltd. which is now also part of A.M.S. GROUP.
In 2018 we installed a 150 kW Solar Power Plant in Virovitica for our own consuption.
In 2019 the we have completed our biggest investments in Virovitica and Ljubešćica, with new production and storing warehouses built and the latest technology currently available on the market installed, including a new high quality woodchipper, four firewood production machines, 18 drying kilns, eight drying boxes etc. This new investment resulted in increased production capacity and we can now produce 20,000 m3 dry firewood and 18,000 tons of dry wood chips annually. Also in 2019 antoher big investment was finnished and thats a 3 MW CHP Power Plant in Virovitica. This investment was made by an SPV company A&A BIOENERGY VIRO Ltd. in which A.M.S.-BIOMASA Ltd. has 50% shares.